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work week 意味

"work week"の例文


  • 週間労働時間


  • we put off our household chores during the work week
    週日 仕事で忙しく 家事を後回しにします
  • is the work week .
  • after the introduction of a five-day work week system , the curry and rice meal has been moved from saturday to friday .
  • ms . dobrica is single , lives alone , doesn't do much social networking , and she puts in a 60hour work week .
    ミスデブリカはは独身で 1人暮らしだ あまりネットワーキングをしない 彼女は週に60時間働いてる
  • in this case , starting from the sunday , the day before the respect for the aged day , the weekend will be a four-day weekend (a five-day weekend for those who have a five-day work week ).
  • with a revised timetable made in september of the same year , jr started new services on saturday and holidays on the keihanshin local line , with the expansion of the five-day work week .
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